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21 June 2024
At the PACKING GROUP, we value re-use as a major solution in our ecological approach. The support of our customers wishing to develop a range of products using reusable dry materials is at the heart of our commitment to waste... read more
2 May 2024
Our AEO Certification
The PACKING GROUP, including SOBEMAB and 3S, has just taken a significant leap in the field of logistics and international trade by obtaining the AEO certification, "Accredited Economic Operator". This certification issued by the French customs authorities is the result... read more
31 January 2023
Mineral oils in the circular economy
The Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Act (EAGC) aims to accelerate the change in production and consumption model to limit waste and preserve natural resources, biodiversity and climate.The law provides for the introduction of single-use plastic packaging on the market... read more
10 October 2022
Agec law: re-employment requirements as early as 2023
Between 2 and 5% of the glass containers must be re-use as from 2023. Sobemab wants to mobilize with its clients to meet the requirements of this law and promote the circular economy where possible. Do not hesitate to contact... read more
10 October 2022
New standards for wine
Regulation (EU) 2021/2117 amends the rules for the labelling of wines and makes it compulsory to communicate the list of ingredients and the nutrition declaration of these products after 8 December 2023. To facilitate the process, labelling can be digitalized.... read more
10 October 2022
Sobemab is an AEO-certified
Sobemab has been certified by AEO since May 2022. The AEO (Accredited Economic Operator) certification is issued by customs and allows recognition as a “trusted operator”. It certifies the rigor and level of traceability of our logistics process. This certification... read more