Logo de l'entreprise Sobemab

The teams

équipe travail
hours of training per year
Hommes et femmes travail

Since its inception, Sobemab has developed around one and the same objective: to respect the wine entrusted to it. All the company’s employees are engaged in this same dynamic, whether at the congestion centre or in mobility. This mindset is Sobemab’s trademark.

cave vin

Uniting around wine

The company has been able to develop the expertise and pass it on to the youngest. They have now integrated this know-how while developing professionalism in line with the current expectations of producers and their markets.


Reception, maintenance, oenology, cellar work, laboratory, bottling, administrative, logistics, etc., professions and people complement each other to work as a team around a federating product: wine.


“It’s anything but routine.” “Working in a high-performing environment, it changes everything.” It is the words that always come up when the company’s employees are asked to talk about it. The jobs are multiple and the tasks are very varied.

The complexity of the product, as well as that of our core business, bottling, always involves a commitment of everyone.

ligne embouteillage vin
Conditionnement vin


At Sobemab, we are committed to fostering diversity and diversity in our teams. Beyond the richness of trade and sensitivities, it is also a guarantee of balance and performance. We are very attentive to equality between men and women and work-life balance.


You know our human values, discover our history.